How To Fight Acne (Pimple) Naturally? Home Solutions!

Are you a teenager or entering the age of adolescent (puberty) or has passed your teens, in any case, acne is common. Many people face acne on regular basis, because their skin produces too oil. That means their sebaceous glands are more active. There are multiple cosmetic and pharmaceutical products available in market which can treat acne.

However, we all know that they are synthetic and not everyone’s skin can cope up and hence generate side effects. Moreover, these side-effects are way bigger problem than acne. Therefore, we shift on the natural products and home remedies. The best method to cure diseases like acne. They offer pure efficacy, promising results and negligible side effects.

Acne, commonly known as pimples, is a widespread skin concern caused by a complex interplay of factors including hormones, genetics, bacteria, and oil production. While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, a dermatologist can recommend the best course of treatment for your specific needs.

Empowering Information

Causes of Acne: Pimples can be caused by a combination of factors including hormones, genetics, bacteria, and excess oil production.

Types of Acne: There are various types of pimples, each with a different appearance and severity. A dermatologist can help with diagnosis and treatment.

Stress Management: While stress doesn’t directly cause acne, it can worsen existing breakouts. Techniques like yoga or meditation may be helpful.

You can get rid of pimples without any hassle and unnecessary expense. There are several easy ways you can try to permanently get rid of pimples without any side effects.

Some natural remedies may offer relief for mild acne. However, it’s important to manage expectations and prioritize practices with established benefits. Here’s a look at some options:

Fuller’s Earth

Multani Mitti (Fuller’s Earth) is a best remedy for pimples. It is highly effective in removing excess oil and dirt from the skin. Mix it with rose water and apply it on your face while bathing daily. The pimples will vanish from your face as if they were never there. If you are using dry Multani Mitti, soak it in rose water overnight. Add a little lemon juice to it before applying. Your pimples will dry up very quickly with this mixture.

  • Industrial Origins: Originally, Fuller’s Earth was used in the textile industry to absorb oils and greases from wool.
  • Global Uses: This clay-like substance is found in various parts of the world and has been used for centuries in different cultures for medicinal and beauty purposes.
  • Alternative Uses: Fuller’s Earth is also used as a clarifying agent in some pet litters and as an industrial absorbent for spills.

This clay can absorb excess oil, but be gentle as overuse can be drying. Patch test first and use a gentle cleanser to remove the mask.


Oatmeal is nutritious. It keeps the stomach cool and provides plenty of fiber. Pimples heal quickly with an oatmeal face pack. You may not know that it helps in cleansing the pores of our skin and absorbing excess oil. Mix it with honey and lemon juice, and apply it. Pimples will disappear quickly for sure.

  • Prehistoric Powerhouse: Oatmeal is one of the oldest cultivated grains, with evidence of its consumption dating back to 8,000 BC.
  • Beyond Breakfast: Oatmeal has numerous health benefits beyond skin care, including reducing the risk of heart disease and aiding digestion.
  • Soothing Power: The colloidal oatmeal found in some skincare products has anti-inflammatory and anti-itching properties, making it suitable for sensitive skin.

Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties that might soothe irritation. Honey can also be beneficial for its antibacterial properties. However, both can clog pores in some individuals, so patch testing is recommended.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera gel for Acne

Aloe Vera has several Ayurvedic properties. It can be consumed as well as applied. It is excellent for skin-related problems. Regular use of it can eliminate pimples from the root. It works like an antioxidant. The antibacterial properties present in it help in quickly healing pimples. Apply Aloe Vera gel at night before sleeping. If you have Vitamin E capsules available, mix them with it and apply.

  • Ancient Uses: Aloe vera has been used for medicinal purposes for over 3,500 years, with Egyptians referring to it as the “plant of immortality.”
  • More than Skin Deep: Aloe vera is not just for skin! It can also be consumed in juice form to aid digestion and potentially boost the immune system.
  • Versatility: The clear gel inside the aloe vera leaf can be used not only for pimples but also for sunburns, minor cuts, and dry skin.

Aloe vera gel’s potential benefits include reducing inflammation and promoting healing. Choose a gentle, fragrance-free aloe vera product.


neem leaves, neem, herb-651913.jpg

This is a very effective remedy for treating pimples. It contains antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. Crush neem leaves to make a paste and mix it with apple cider vinegar and honey. Lemon can also be used instead of vinegar. Use whatever is easily available at home. Apply it daily on the face, and pimples will disappear quickly. You can also prepare neem water at home. Put neem leaves in water and rub those cubes gently on your face.

  • Sacred Status: The neem tree is revered in India and considered sacred in some cultures.
  • Beyond Pimples: Neem leaves have a variety of medicinal uses, including treating malaria and diabetes (although more research is needed for these applications).
  • Natural Insecticide: Neem oil is a natural pesticide and can be used in gardens to deter insects without harming beneficial pollinators.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has shown promise in fighting bacteria that can contribute to pimples. However, it can be irritating, so dilute it with a carrier oil like jojoba oil before applying.

  • Australian Native: Tea tree oil comes from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia tree, native to Australia.
  • Multipurpose Product: Tea tree oil has been used traditionally by Aboriginal Australians for various purposes, including wound healing and respiratory issues.
  • Scientific Backing: Studies suggest tea tree oil may be as effective as some topical medications for mild to moderate acne, although more research is needed.

Not recommended remedies


Toothpaste is meant for teeth, not skin. It can be very drying and irritating. Since, toothpastes are basic in nature, they hold potential to inflame our epithelial layer, that is the upper layer of skin. Many sites recommend toothpaste because of their germ-killing ability, but they don’t mention about things like-

  • Unexpected Ingredients: Many toothpastes contain ingredients like triclosan, which is an antibacterial agent. While it might target pimple-causing bacteria, triclosan is also being phased out due to potential environmental concerns.
  • Uneven Application: Toothpaste is designed for a smooth, even surface like teeth. Applying it to the uneven contours of your face can lead to clogged pores and irritation.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is acidic and can irritate your skin, potentially worsening pimples. Some people have sensitive skin and they are likely to face disadvantage if uses lemon for acne related purposes.

  • Natural Bleaching: Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent, and while it might lighten pimple scars, it can also cause uneven pigmentation on your skin.
  • Disrupts Skin Barrier: The acidity of lemon juice can disrupt your skin’s natural pH balance, weakening the barrier that protects your skin from irritants and bacteria.

Preventive Measures

Prevention from Pimples The best way to treat pimples is prevention. It is essential to keep a few things in mind for prevention:

  • Wash your face with cold water at least three times a day for 5 minutes each.
  • Drink about 10 to 12 glasses of water throughout the day.
  • Maintain a balanced diet. Avoid oily and junk food.
  • Do yoga and exercise for your face.
  • Avoid greasy and oily makeup.
  • Massage with fruit cream once every 15 days and scrub every week.
  • Massaging makes blackheads and whiteheads soft, and they can be easily removed when soft.
  • Prepare a paste of cream, papaya, and honey for fruit cream. Use sugar and coffee for scrubbing.
  • Remember not to massage on acne with pus and water. Use homemade paste for them.
  • Avoid staying in the sun for too long.
  • You can use tea tree oil.
  • Stay away from stress.

What to Eat and What Not to Eat for Pimples?

Eat yellow and orange-colored fruits and vegetables for pimples. Avoid fruits with excessive calories. Although mango is a yellow fruit, it contains a lot of calories. Tomatoes benefit the skin when applied, as well as when consumed.

Eat spinach and lentils. They contain fiber. Eat pumpkin and bottle gourd. Do not eat sapota, mango, and banana, but you can eat everything else.

Pumpkin seeds also benefit from it. Take as many liquid foods as possible. Avoid oily food, chocolate, and junk food. Avoid high-fat foods and excessively sweet things.

The Glycemic Index: While the article mentions avoiding fruits with high calories like mangoes, the glycemic index is a more relevant factor. Fruits like mangoes have a moderate glycemic index, while processed sugary snacks have a high glycemic index and might be a better target for restriction.

Hydration and Liquid Foods: Drinking plenty of water is important for overall health, but there’s no evidence that consuming a large amount of liquid foods specifically benefits acne. Focus on a balanced diet that incorporates a variety of hydrating fruits and vegetables.

General recommendations

Apart from the above remedies and pharmaceutical products, you can opt several good general practices for skin health.

  • For instances, staying hydrated, avoiding sugary and oily foods, and getting enough sleep. These can all contribute to clearer skin.
  • Washing your face twice a day with a gentle cleanser is important for removing dirt and oil.
  • Don’t scrub your face harshly, as this can irritate your skin.
  • Avoid touching your face throughout the day, as this can transfer bacteria.
  • Skip the Irritants: Avoid harsh ingredients like toothpaste and lemon juice, which can worsen acne by irritating the skin.
  • Hydration is Key: Drinking plenty of water keeps your skin hydrated, but there’s no evidence that consuming large amounts of liquid foods specifically combats acne. Focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Diet and Acne: The link between diet and acne is complex. While sugary and processed foods might contribute to breakouts, focus on a balanced diet rather than restricting specific fruits based solely on calorie content.
  • Sunscreen is Essential: Sun exposure can worsen acne. Look for a non-comedogenic sunscreen (which won’t clog pores) and apply daily, even on cloudy days.

Consulting a dermatologist

While some home remedies may be helpful, if you’re struggling with pimples, it’s best to consult a dermatologist. They can recommend a personalized treatment plan based on your specific skin type and severity of acne. A dermatologist can assess your individual needs and recommend the best course of treatment, including prescription medications if necessary. They can also advise on safe and effective skincare routines.


There’s no quick fix for acne. Consistency with a personalized approach is key. If you experience irritation with any home remedy, discontinue use and consult a dermatologist.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about!

1. What causes pimples?

Pimples, also known as acne, are caused by a combination of factors including hormones, genetics, bacteria, and excess oil production.

2. What are the different types of pimples?

There are several types of pimples, including whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts. Each type has a different appearance and severity.

3. How can I get rid of pimples quickly?

While there’s no magic cure for pimples, some things can help reduce their appearance, such as using a gentle cleanser, applying a topical treatment, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, for stubborn or severe acne, consulting a dermatologist is recommended.

4. Can stress cause pimples?

Stress can worsen existing acne, but it’s not necessarily the sole cause.

5. Are there any foods that cause pimples?

The link between diet and acne is complex, but some research suggests a possible connection between high glycemic index foods (sugary and processed foods) and breakouts. It’s generally recommended to focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

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